
Today, one year ago, I had my mastectomy. Let me take you back to this day.. After my mammogram and MRI results, my surgery to remove my left breast was a go ahead, and booked for Monday, January 30th, 2017 at 1:00 pm at the Georgetown Hospital. This would mean that 20 days after my…

One Year

Today marks one year. One year today, that I sat in my surgeons office and she told me, that the lump I felt in my left breast, was a tumour and it tested positive for cancer. I remember everything that happened on this day. I remember Andrew sitting in the waiting room as I left…

Panel Testing

When I met with my oncologist back in January, he told me that it would be beneficial for me to get a genetic test done. Soon after I met with a genetic specialist. She told me about a new test that is now being offered in Canada. It is called Hereditary Breast/ Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)-19.…


Before I write about this, I want to take the time to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has been following my journey, who has sent me flowers and gifts, and for taking the time to read my blog. This blog was to help me get everything on my mind, out into the…

Dear Government:

I received this letter in the mail today, hoping the content of it would be good news. To my surprise, you denied my claim. I'm glad that my disability isn't "severe nor prolonged" enough for you. On your website, this is what you define as a disability: What we mean by "disability" To qualify for…

Days leading up to my surgery

On Friday, January 27th I met my oncologist. His name is Dr. Higgins from the Credit Valley Hospital. He is very nice. He told me more information from my tumour biopsy that I did not know of.- My cancer is Estrogen positive, Progesterone positive, and HER2 negative. This is all good news. This means my…

Tues. Jan. 24th

We received all my test results. We met with my surgeon and she went over my results. My blood levels were normal- so that was good. My mammogram and MRI were the most important. We were hoping that these two tests would show us more on the tumour and if it has invaded the surrounding…


It has been an overwhelming day. These days makes me think about life and what I failed to appreciate. I miss setting an alarm for work, especially the feeling you get when it goes off and you're like I don't want to get up and get ready. Instead my alarm goes off and I know…

January 16th- 20th

The previous week was a roller coaster, and this week wasn't going to be any easier. I'm that person that barely goes to the doctor's. I hate going, being there makes me feel worse. I don't know if I'm the only one, but when I call my doctor's office to try to get in, I…

That week..

I don't remember what day of the week it was or even what time of day it was, all I thought about was my cancer. I cried when I woke up, I cried throughout the day, I cried while I was trying to sleep. My eyes were so swollen from crying. The worst was sleeping.…